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A Microscopic View of
Medical Cannabis

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My Story

My name is Cathie Hiegel. I began researching cannabis for a friend back in 2016, she did not get her dispensary, but I was hooked. Just googling I thought this is a miracle drug because there were no negative side effects, comments, or information that I could find on the internet. At the beginning of 2018, I met Dr. Joe from CA. and he introduced me to the world of PubMed. This opened a new way of looking at research. I worked for about 23 years as a cytotechnologist (someone who looks at cancer cells and diseases under a microscope), so I had some medical background knowledge. With each article I read, I realized there was much more to this than was being published on the internet. There are some benefits and risks to using medical cannabis, as is with any medication you are taking. This is when I decided to write each disease or symptom with a medical-type protocol. This would help doctors, dispensaries, and patients decide which chemovar would be best for each symptom or disease. There are fewer risks from using cannabis and are much safer than opioids.


By the summer of 2018, I had written 28 of these medical protocols for not only the Arkansas Medical Marijuana conditions but others as well. In May of 2019, I met my partner, Dr. Brian Nichol. Brian was a pain management doctor and was using cannabis to treat some of his patients. We formed Cannabis Expert Training, LLC and we offer training for dispensaries, patients, and other healthcare professionals.


In Sept. of 2019,  I went to my first CannMed meeting in Pasadena, CA. I saw Dr. Joe again and got to thank him for all that he set in motion the day I met him in Arkansas. I got to hear and meet Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (the father of cannabinoids), Dr. Didi Meiri (a leading cancer researcher- Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Cannabinoid Research ), and Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO (a leading medical cannabis expert and a leading member of Society of Cannabis Clinicians). I am now a member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians and I got to go to CannMed again in May 2022.


My research comes from reading hundreds of articles from other people’s research, I could not have done this book without the work and articles they have written. We need more studies.


A Microscopic View of Medical Cannabis provides the medical practitioner, allied medical professionals, cannabis dispensary agents, and patients a resource that is in-depth enough to understand the topic and assist in effectively managing conditions using cannabinoid medicine but not be overwhelming. The format allows quick access to clinically useful referenced information for the experienced cannabis practitioner, medical cannabis dispensary agents, patients, caregivers, and medical and mental health practitioners who will need to understand this ancient medication which more of their patients are using now and will in the future. 

Dr. Brian Nichol, M.D. 

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